Saturday, November 10, 2012

...and last but not least

So this is my official introduction of Abel Joshua Mercer. This guy has made me proud since the very first day he arrived, Star Wars day. May the 4th be with you!!! He is just a turtles eyelash over 6 months old now and he is BUSY! Abel was our one last try at having a baby girl. Wonk wonk wonkkkk. That's okay. I mean if you've seen this guy in person you'd understand. He is truly the best! People sometimes are taken back by the name Abel although I do not know why. The names been around since the Book of Genesis. We get the lame joke, "Where's Cain, derrr?" quite a bit but no worries. Abel is strong. Abel is different. Abel was the first to be in God's favor. Most importantly Abel is the name me and his momma chose for him so step off sucka.

This is my third son yet I feel like I'm experiencing so much for the first time. If you've read my previous blogs you'll know that I am as of  recently a stay at home father. Well, you may not know, that previous to that Jaimie spent 6 years in nursing school and I was the sole proprietor. Which was fine, but daddy worked hard! Sometimes 10,12 and 14 hr shifts. It was very tedious work. It was very tiring and worst of all stressful. The moral of the story is that I know now just by judging the time I've spent with Abel I was seriously taking my time for granted. I missed so much of what Averey and Alex were going through. Of course, I would've never let you tell me that then, but I'm man enough to admit it now. Most importantly we are making up for it now while I'm at home. I mean if you know a better treasure map drawer or blanket fort maker, you let me know.

On to Abel, the man of the hour. This little ball of goofiness is the best thing to happen to me in a long long time. I was starting to feel a little stagnant in life truthfully. The music slowed down. Work was no more. You can only cut the grass in so many directions before you flat out despise it. Then, I met Abel. Now I write songs because I'm inspired. He has become my work.(and these are the longest hours to date) I cut the grass with a smile because I want Abel to live in a nice house. Abel didn't only help me out of my funk but brought Jaimie and I much closer together. We were always okay but we've been together 11 years and married for 6. So, it's safe to say redundancy set in a little. No more! We are alive! It has been almost 6 years since Lex was born.(now go back a couple sentences and give me props for knocking her up on our wedding night..boom) So we literally feel like new parents again. Once again I'm home so much now that I don't miss a single thing. All these things that Jaimie did while I was slaving at work biding time in between smoke breaks she was conquering new frontiers at home. I am so proud of her. I kiss her so much now. I smile at her because she made me smile in that moment not because husbands are supposed to.

Another thing Abel has helped me with is my coping abilities. I was "blessed" with a family that has so many stressful issues that it would only damper my mood to list them all. Trust me. Abel helped hide me from all that. Averey is in second grade and Lex is in kindergarten so they have their own little thing going on. Jaimie is super nurse at St. Mary's so we hang when we can, but Abel, that's my man. My safety blanket. I can tell Abel all my troubles. My stresses over my mother and the way I worry over my father. Abel is a good listener. He's a better healer. To sit at home and pull my hair out alone would be the absolute worst. Luckily, that is not the case. I have my baby. MY baby. MY life. MY problems to worry about. Abel let's me know to concentrate on the things at hand. Only worry about what you can control and that slobbery baby kisses can in fact cure all.

When I was younger, I was, in all truthfulness, infatuated with bad things. I loved the worst kind of music. I wanted to be in a gang. I liked the thought of drugs and guns. I was in numerous unattractive situations. Today, I am not that person even a little bit. I mean I love to shoot a gun or watch a mafia flick with the rest of the fellas, but I was born to be a father. I am a daddy to the highest power! It came natural. I just know what to do. I love my boys more than I knew was fathomable. Without them I am not me. I believe that I take being a father even more serious than a lot of my friends. Sometimes too serious, but it's my calling. I'm not saying that my friends aren't good fathers but it's easy to take it for granted. Trust me I know. I only hope that they someday feel what I feel. To take your child a glass of water when you hear a faint cough or lie straight to their face when they ask if riding a bike with no feet is a cool trick. It is something that is in me now. Thank you boys...

...and last but not least, back to my newest main man Abel. You have recharged my batteries son. You have given me new life. You healed wounds and saved a marriage. You filled a void and earned your place. Thank you Abel. I love you so very much.


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