Friday, November 2, 2012

Happy Hallowedding

So this year the end of October didn't only mean eating half of my children's candy or getting my annual case of carpel tunnel from carving mediocre pumpkins. This October, October 27th to be exact, I had the honor of being a groomsman in one of my very best friend's weddings. It was my first time and I was super nervous but what kind of man turns that opportunity down. It did make it a little easier that he had 10 guys in his party! Yes, I said 10! Jacob, that's his name, is kind of a hella likable guy. He has many acquaintances and in this case a pretty huge group of besties to stand up for him. Let me be modest in saying that it was nothing less than an amazing experience. Everything was perfect, right down to the imperfections.

So, Jacob, well he really really liked this girl Jackie. Jackie, well, she's a pretty incredible chic. She's super duper talented, very ambitious and makes the normal uber creative person feel JUST under par. She did EVERYTHING at the wedding! She made it all. She designed it all! I mean, the wedding was set to start at "3ish" and I stroll in at 1:30 in full tuxedo swag and this girl in sitting in front of a fold out banquet table STILL decorating her own wedding cake! Which was pretty friggin awesome I might add! Let me sum up my impression of Jackie by saying that if you do not know her, then you are just slightly lesser of a person than those of us who do. With that being said, congratulations Jake, you did good my friend.

Now lets get to the real reason I felt I needed to share my day with you. This was not just any wedding. It was by far a full blown life experience. These two are so perfect for each other it's ridiculous and to watch them be joined together for eternity first hand, well that was humbling. Jake had a friend Sean officiate. It was literally friendship everywhere all day long. You could feel that energy in the building. So many smiles and hugs. You felt like a better person just by being there. Damn it, you just knew on the inside you were a part of something special! Personally, it's the best day I've had in a long long time. My wife Jaimie and our 3 boys were there with me which made it that much more awesome. It was a total love fest everywhere you turned. As soon as they started reading their vows my "grown ass man" wall crumbled to the floor as I began weeping like a school girl. I swear watching them be together made me want to be a better husband to Jaimie and I'm a PRETTY good hubby! I had the opportunity to see just about every person that has touched my life over the years all in one place and I made a handful of new friends as well. So, as I drank cup after cup of free Sam Adams and got jiggy in the photo booth the time seemed to be flying by. I remember Jake walking past me just giving me that "hell yeah" look while Jaimie and I were watching our middle son Lex do his trademark head spin break dance move out on the floor and I felt...perfect. So after a couple of hundred bro hugs and handshakes we were watching Jake and Jax get into their shiny white limo. The night was indeed over but the memory will last me a lifetime. I would like to take this time to thank Mr. and Mrs.Snider for including me in their day. You truly do not know the impact of such a simple gesture. I love you guys!

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